A quick personal synopsis of the book 'Tinderbox'
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Iron Age Research
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A bit of a interactive learning experience.
Fun way to learn the basics.
Iron Age Celts Interactive Learning
I can play with the Items within a Tinderbox and combine them into one item as apposed than the excessive
Torcs where a big part of iron age Celtic tradition.
Here's a selection of Torcs I used as inspiration.
Celtic Warrior Concepts
Celtic Body Tattoos
Some Alternative Iron Age Celtic Clothing
(Robes, Armour etc...)
A Research Into Some Celtic Armour.
(Also some random concept paintings)
Book Research
'having fun isn't hard when you have a library card.'
What Is A Tinderbox?
Researching into the functions/ look of a tinderbox. I found that a Tinderbox consist of:
-Steel. -Sulphar Spunks. -Charcloth Tinder.
-Flint. -Wax Strings.
-Steel. -Sulphar Spunks. -Charcloth Tinder.
-Flint. -Wax Strings.
I can play with the Items within a Tinderbox and combine them into one item as apposed than the excessive
amount of items just to light a fire.
Some Rough Silhouette Ideas For The Soldier.
Here's 40 silhouettes formed from random scribbles then being worked into, added a bit of white in places to show where a face or arm or prop would be etc... I then went on to trying some more crazy things and experimenting with different brushes and having my eyes closed.
These first ones where an experiment done with a variable sumi-e brush on painter and just closed my eyes, there's a few crazy potential poses here.
With these ones I used the image hose on a spray setting in painter and closed my eyes for half and then added random scribbles whilst looking. I then took the picture into photoshop and made it black and white and adjusted the levels to make this nice shadow-like look. I really like this look, it reminds me of necrotic powers.
First Rough Value Studies.
Picked out some of my favorite silhouette poses and started mapping out some details and lighting within the shape.
Warrior King Colour Studies 01
I took the idea of the tinderbox castle being made from copper, which was also a heavily used
metal during my time period, and made the armour from copper. I then made his buckle,
Crown and Sword out of gold to show a kings status. The golden rings on the shoulder guards
I'll adjust into a more Celtic torc-design. I also made his Tartans Purple to symbolize his rich, regal status.
metal during my time period, and made the armour from copper. I then made his buckle,
Crown and Sword out of gold to show a kings status. The golden rings on the shoulder guards
I'll adjust into a more Celtic torc-design. I also made his Tartans Purple to symbolize his rich, regal status.
I took my time period very literal for this one and made the armour from Iron. The buckle,
Crown and Sword Hilt I made from a cheaper Bronze (as just came from bronze age this was
a material very common). The Sword I also made from iron and used leather strips to hold it all
together. I also went with the very traditional Tartan design. This colour scheme though a less
rich look is far more realistic and appropriate for the time period.
I also went onto doing some appropriate poses to go with the faces I designed. These also show various character traits.
Here's some sketches of the same faces with added fox hide hood and the glowing eyes.
Painted Character Faces.
I done some quick sketches of a couple of belt designs as I wasn't happy with my current characters waist. I also took the concept of the TinderBox and combined it into one item, the item could be binded around an arm guard and start a magical fire when the flint is sparked by the sickle within my soldiers hand. 
I still wanted to incorporate the Torc in both my designs, I also experimented with various Druidic Items such as little ingredient bags, a Horn and some charms. I also wanted to add some sort of satchel to sheath the sickle into. I like both designs and really like the colours and the charms in the bottom one, however I feel the top one sticks to the more soldier turned druid theme. I'll incorporate the charms onto the solider in another way.
Model Sheet.
a material very common). The Sword I also made from iron and used leather strips to hold it all
together. I also went with the very traditional Tartan design. This colour scheme though a less
rich look is far more realistic and appropriate for the time period.
Celtic Tattoo'd Warrior Colour Studies 01
I took the idea from Scottish Celts of the blue body paint and applied it to the character, to fit the theme I also added ginger hair and gave him a simple cloth coif and trousers with simple, cheap leather guards. Again it's not very realistic still for the time period, almost too fantasy.
For this I took a more aggressive take on the body paint and made it red, I also added body paint to the fae for that more viscous look. I made the hair slightly more ginger to give a more aggressive fire red hair and then made the trousers into a red tartan. The leather I kept the same cheap leather look. These two would be the soldier upon returning from war, poor and rough. However Still needs less fantasy shoulder guards.Further Studies
I took my two favourite value drawings and combined them into a simple silhouette with less clothes detail on so I can work in more appropriate clothing and props for the time era. I wanted my soldier to be a kind've 'prince charming' and be very elegant with the use of his sword. A kind've charismatic and egotistical soldier, a Fable- Reaver sort've character.
I then started sketching on appropriate clothing, props and some details and did a value study, here's what I ended with.
I added a torc and a leather bracer to the model, as well as a large broach to hold on the cloak (or checkered apron?). I also added a very basic Celtic sword (will need to add a sheath) and a shoulder guard with fur lining to symbolize slight wealth and also that he's a fighter. In making the character topless I can add all sorts of nice body paint designs and experiment with different patterns/ colours. I'll also experiment with Celtic patterns and stitch work. I see a lot of potential in this design for expansion.
First colour study
Here I took some basic features from the value study and applied some colour and extra details. For this study I wanted a kind've elegant skilled sword-dancer, as such I wanted the look to be fairly simple. I added a headband to keep the hair from his face (also adds a kind've agile ninja element to it) and gave him the prince charming style fringe. I also added a sheath for the elegant and quite simple Celtic sword. I'm pretty happy with the outcome.Colour Study 2.
With this one I followed the prince charming kind've theme and gave him long luscious hair. I then went with the more traditional celtic blue body paint and replaced the sword with a slightly more barbaric axe. The gold/bronze has been replaced my iron and the cloak is now checkered, like the apron,also the fur lining has turned into a proper shoulder guard. This design is more a handsome warrior design.Colour Study 3.
For this design I took a more nature orientated approach. I knew the Celts where big on animals and Druids using nature powers. I went with that theme and added a fox skin hood and a bear pelt cloak. I also made the eye glow mystically ( The idea is he'd stolen the witches powers when be-headed her) and added fur lining to everything. The body paintings are more primitive and mystical. I think I'll change the weapon to a sickle to suit the feel and would make him look more cynical. I'd also like to add some pouches/vials to the belt. This is my favorite and the one I'll most likely use for my final design, only with the longer hair from the previous study and the adjustments I suggested. The final look I will aim for is a smug, stealthy assassin with newly attained mystic powers.
Rough Character Face Emotes.
I felt like a break from digital painting so went back to ol' paper, pen and paper. I then started designing some appropriate faces to portray my soldier characters personality. Here's the first rough sketches.
I also went onto doing some appropriate poses to go with the faces I designed. These also show various character traits.
Here's some sketches of the same faces with added fox hide hood and the glowing eyes.
Painted Character Faces.
Painted Character Poses.
Accessory and Prop Studies. (Rough)
I done some quick sketches of a couple of belt designs as I wasn't happy with my current characters waist. I also took the concept of the TinderBox and combined it into one item, the item could be binded around an arm guard and start a magical fire when the flint is sparked by the sickle within my soldiers hand. 
I still wanted to incorporate the Torc in both my designs, I also experimented with various Druidic Items such as little ingredient bags, a Horn and some charms. I also wanted to add some sort of satchel to sheath the sickle into. I like both designs and really like the colours and the charms in the bottom one, however I feel the top one sticks to the more soldier turned druid theme. I'll incorporate the charms onto the solider in another way.
Model Sheet.
Here's my model sheet. I lost my original when my computer had a little dying spat so it's a bit rushed out. But I believe it's good enough for a modeller to be able to take my character and produce a 3D model from.
Final Character Painting.
I took the model sheet and made a painting based off it. I changed some features slightly to create more the feel I was going for with this character. I added the Tinderbox mounted to his arm guard and made him in very dull, dark light to show his shadowed assassin ways.